Ultimate-Autoresponder (c) is the Property of Jeremy Dreyer and SA-Solution (c).
This Autoresponder service is not availble to the general public and is available only to SA-Solution Members.
This means that you must be an SA-Solution Member in order to make use of this Autoresponder service.
Using this Autoresponder service
to promote any other business is strictly prohibited. You may not send
Spam messages and you must have your Propsect's permission to contact
them. For this purpose you will be provided with a HTML web form in your
members area, which you may easily copy to your Squeeze Page on your web site. This is so
that your Prospects may provide you with their contact details out of
their own free will and so that you may email them.
Use this Autoresponder service
only for SA-Solution and do not send spam messages! Any person found
guilty of this will have their account deleted without warning and
will be permanently banned, forever.